JNU Constitution (for Political Activity) and Lyngdoh Committee Recommendations
I was presidential candidate for JNUSU 2008-09. But it is very unfortunate that we received a notice from Supreme Court to implement the Lyngdoh Committee Report in JNU. We the student of JNU in GBM (from Oct 25 at 11am to Oct 25 at 4am) decided to defend our JNU constitution which we got by democratic struggle. I am spirit of that GBM and a part of Struggle Committee against it. The Lyngdoh Committee report implemented in Delhi University Election but this law was unable to stop the use of money and mussel power. At the same time most of Universities in India have no Election at all in fact there are no Students Union.
The Lyngdoh committee itself Say's that JNU Election model is unique and a role model
but for small university. The question arise that how a report based on the role model can be dictate by the law which is result of itself.
The another question arise about the question of age and repetation bar. By this report no one can contest election after 28 (for M.Phil./Ph.D.). I don't thing this is applicable for JNU because here itself no use of money and mussels power which was main Sprite of Lyndoh committee.
As I mentioned above that we had University General Body Meeting (UGBM) in this regard. Our main disagreement was 1. This committee report is irrelevant because we have no such money and mussel power use in this Campos. 2. Age should no bar because this means no experience people could come for election. 3. Repetition have same critic as above. 3. It ban to gathering after 6pm where JNU have long long tradition to debate and discussion at the night some time like UGBM through night yes through night up to morning. 4. As I came to know during debate that this report also resist to raise subject out of campus where we are discussing about all over the world. 5. Here I have one argument also that students from rural background can not be able to fight election because they started study late in comparison to urban areas. 5. The question is also arise that if there are no upper age limit for election of many political institution than how and why for Universities?
During the UGBM and before it also Youth for Equality changing its positions. In the court they supported and in JNU saying we didn't but all things come up open when one student shows the paper of S Court that YFE layer was there for them. After UGBM all are gone up.
On Oct 26 held first meeting for Struggle committee for protect JNU Constitution I am also member of this committee. During first meeting representative of Bahujan Students Fronts said that "this is all about manuvadi drama so I cant be a part of this struggle committee", than Sandip (President) and other said that this is not a binary you can go.
After meeting I went to Prof Avijit, Nivek and Anand Kumar for appointment for public meeting on Oct 27, 2008 at Godawari Dhaba, in this regard and Prof Vivek and Anand Kumar give the time. Prof Avijit was not at his home because her mother was death.
Thanks for paying your kind attention. Your comments are welcome.