Today for the third worlds and in fact in long run all world facing problem of food security and sustainable development. Today's one of the biggest challenge is climate change. But the question is who is responsible for it? If USA and Europe says that they can not reverse their development than why other even other do not get up to that level? The food security is not alone third world problem. it is the business rule that if customer is poor than you can not sell your product than it is worlds responsibility to tackle the climate problem and sustainability development rather just lips token.
Retrieved on Nov 24 2009
UN chief urges unity over hunger
Ban Ki-moon: "There can be no food security without climate security"
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hascalled for a "single global vision" from world leaders to address theproblems of world hunger and pollution.
Mr Ban's comments came at the start of a UN conference in Rome aimed at stabilising world food prices. He said the summit needed to co-ordinate closely with the UN climate meeting at Copenhagen in December. The UN says one billion people are hungry and that food production must increase to feed a growing population. The World Summit on Food Security comes a year after major rises in food prices caused chaos in many countries. MrBan said both the Rome and Copenhagen summits "must craft a singleglobal vision to produce real results for people in real need". He called for a more co-ordinated approach to the issues, saying there "can be no food security without climate security". "The food crisis of today is a wake-up call for tomorrow," said Mr Ban.
A growing population means world food output must increase, says the UN
By 2050, our planet may be the home of 9.1 billion people. By 2050we know we will need to grow 70% more food, yet weather is becomingmore extreme and more unpredictable," AFP news agency quoted him assaying. "We must make significant changes to feed ourselves, and most especially to safeguard the poorest and most vulnerable." TheUN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has warned that if more landis not used for food production now, 370 million people could be facingfamine by 2050.
By 2050, our planet may be the home of 9.1 billion people. By 2050we know we will need to grow 70% more food, yet weather is becomingmore extreme and more unpredictable," AFP news agency quoted him assaying. "We must make significant changes to feed ourselves, and most especially to safeguard the poorest and most vulnerable." TheUN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has warned that if more landis not used for food production now, 370 million people could be facingfamine by 2050.
'End greed'
FAO head Jacques Diouftold the summit that developing countries had made some progress inreversing the decline in investment in agriculture since prices hitrecord highs at the end of 2007. But he said much of the money had not yet materialised and that amounts promised were not at the level needed. MrDiouf said the $44bn (£26.4bn) required for developing countries wasfar less that the $365bn (£219bn) that developed countries spend eachyear on subsidising their farmers.
He recommended that developing countries dedicate 10% of their expenditure to agriculture. PopeBenedict XVI also addressed the opening of the summit, calling for anend to the "greed" of financial speculation on food prices. Hesaid hunger in the poorest countries should not be considered "a matterof resigned regret" and criticised unsustainable food productionmethods and aid practises which damage agriculture.
Critics say the summit may fail to set ambitious goals and havequestioned whether it will be effective, as most of the leaders of theworld's richest nations are not attending. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is the only leader from one of the G8 leading industrialised countries to take part. FranciscoSarmento, of campaign group ActionAid, told AFP that the absence ofother G8 leaders "doesn't signal they are serious about finding globalsolutions to hunger".
The BBC's David Loyn in Rome says theleaders attending the summit will try to keep the world focused on theconsequences of the massive rise in food prices last year, which hitthe poor hardest. However, he says the summit is likely to be big on rhetoric but small on concrete actions.