Read the criteria for getting ticket. Ia m saluting to all those who struggling for social cause. But alone to go in Jail can not be a valid reason to get ticket. By this way I think criminal got more ticket. Is it?
Published on Jan 11 2010 at 03:57 PM Retrieved on 11.45PM
Jail certificate first for RJD ticket: Lalu
Patna, Jan 11 (PTI) RJD supremo Lalu Prasad has said he would reward party tickets to only those who would show certificates for spending time in jails in course of agitation.
"Being in jail for sometime will be the first criteria while deciding the candidature for the party," Prasad said while addressing his party workers here last evening. "One has to come up before us with a certificate from jail authorities about the days they spent or still being in prison for the purpose of getting the ticket," he said.
Prasad also spoke about the benefits of being in jail saying "you will get everything from free medicines, clothes to quilts and blankets and good beds as an advantage." "Those who are desirous of bodyguards need not worry after being in jails as securitymen will continue to escort them free of cost from prisons to anywhere they go may it be courts or hospitals," he said in a sarcastic tone.
Lalu's statement came barely a fortnight before his party's call for state-wide bandh and fill the jail campaign. His statement is being billed as a cleaver attempt to mobilise workers support for the agitation.