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We Should Burn all “Religious Text Codes”

Today I was in conversation with my friend in mess; I told him that we should burn all religious books 4 peaceful world. One person who was also taking his dinner reacted that he cannot listen this world. I can criticise my "own" epic not "others". Then he says one can go to court against me. Then he says that he can give his life if one dares to say; then I say go to ninth floor of library & jump from there. Finally he said he can take one's life (i.e. me) if one dare to say. Then I said I’m here only. I also asked him what is my epic which supposed to I have right to criticise? He said I understood but he don’t like to say. I said well. Then I asked which is your epic which supposed to I should not criticise? He replied he don’t like to say, but I (myself) can understand. Again I emphasised that this is the religion which is cause of many exploitation and conflicts. He again emphasised too that he cannot listen that all religious texts should be burn, he can give his life for this and he can take others life for this too. God will give him justice when he will go to “Jannat”. I replied him,” Jannat” Is nowhere, this is illusion of religious texts and “Religious Dalal” even not all religion believe in.  
May be I am wrong, may be absolutely wrong, but my experiences with interaction with language students says that they are more “religious” fantasy, non-listeners of critics and strong supporter of old inhuman tradition. They are most irrational too. I am talking about to those who are studying Arabic, Farsi and Sanskrit. I am not saying others are not but the proportion are more among themselves.

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