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पारा शिक्षकों ने किया शक्ति प्रदर्शन Para-Teachers shows his Strengths

When I visited my home from September 05 to Oct 01, 2009. I came to know that salary of Para teacher is remain very little and with that amount it is very deficult to run a family properly. As far as know that Para-teacher for primary school was getting Rs. 1000 PM and later on it was increased up to Rs. 1500/- PM. Is that sufficient? Simply no. It is also a kind of exploitation because other teacher who are appointed by Govt. but with same work and qualification getting much more than them. If you calculate this than even it is less than what called minimum wage for skilled labor. Who can say that in this situation India can rise and what much hyped called making India as a knowledge based society? As far as I know and this fact that knowledge commission is working with prejudice that weaker section of community and society have no knowledge because for them reservation is obstacle in this way.

Now read the original article. Published on Oct 06, 20009 11:44 PM Online Edition

पारा शिक्षकों ने किया शक्ति प्रदर्शन चतरा। झारखंड प्रदेश पारा शिक्षक संघ जिला इकाई चतरा के शिक्षकों ने मंगलवार को परियोजना कार्यालय के समक्ष शक्ति प्रदर्शन किया। मौके पर उपस्थित प्रदेश अध्यक्ष संजय दूबे ने कहा कि अगर नौ अक्टूबर तक हमारी मांगे नहीं पूरी गई तो बारह अक्टूबर से अनिश्चितकालीन हड़ताल पर चले जाएंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि पारा शिक्षकों को छह माह में मात्र दो माह के मानदेय का भुगतान किया गया है। ऐसे में पारा शिक्षकों के समक्ष भुखमरी की स्थिति उत्पन्न हो गई है। उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि किसी भी कीमत पर शिक्षकों के हितों से खिलवाड़ नहीं करेंगे।

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