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The Great Gandhian Topi

The Great Gandhian Topi "THE GANDHI TOPI" I was thinking about Santa.. and Gandhi Topi. In fact Santa gave a gift to Indian, the another reality. I was also thinking about Gandhi Topi. Mr. N.D. Tiwari (Pandit Ji) did this things also in past & have results with DNA positive. Plz read yesterday's IndianExpress in which some claims that he is his son with her mother. As I seen in news pictures past and on Dec 25 2009 I found that he only caught when he removed his Gandhi Topi. And I was wondering how Gandhi Topi is powerful to protect
and prevent to caught. Is this new fact about Gandhi Topi? May be Pandit Ji remove his topi because Mr. Santa also wearing Topi on X'mas day so Pandit Ji thought he can remove either in honor for Santa or I do not know. But I think he forget that Santa wearing Topi for giving gifts not to hide other realities like Tiwari Ji. I thing we need to research Gandhi Topi and Santa'a Topi. My hypothesis is that one wearing Tpoi to hide another wearing Topi to give gift. But if we thing in terms of gift than we can find that both are loving to give gift. Where one need to hide to the public and another not need because public love it. Oh! this is toooooooo wast topic I need your help and I also request to you to help to understand these things in your point of view form different angels. Because you that this is multi dimensional subjects.

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